As a general contractor, we field a lot of questions; it’s just part of what we do. But lately, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about the accent wall in our office. Which isn’t entirely surprising, being that it’s bright. It’s front-and-center. And it’s, well, orange. Really, really orange. Admittedly, the shade is not a typical choice for office décor.
Here’s how it came about:
Although it would have been fun, the decision to go orange wasn’t an artistic whim. When we rebranded last year, we felt it best represented Sullivan|Day. We’re not your traditional “screws and nails” contractor; we’re a happy, easy-to-work-with group that takes our work seriously, but ourselves? Not so much. For us, this particular color said it all. And yeah, “Day” is in our name, so there’s that, too.
So, we painted over our formerly blue accent wall in February of this year, added a living room console and vinyl records (because, why not?), and haven’t looked back since. As an added bonus, I’m convinced the newly luminous wall offset our risk for seasonal affective disorder throughout the gray March days.
But with summer now in full swing, we haven’t had to worry about a lack of vitamin D. We’ve been attending plenty of outdoor events such as golf tournaments, beer festivals and even a Habitat for Humanity workday. Of course, given the nature of our business, the season has been busy with lots of “ground-up” work as well. We were especially excited to begin work on a 10,000-square-foot addition for Little Newton’s in Plymouth. Lots going on!
In the midst of it all, we keep (happily) reminding ourselves that summer isn’t over yet. August lies ahead and we’re ready to make the most of it—even if the Twins lose on our annual company outing to Target Field. Before long, fall will be on the horizon. That we can’t deny. But in our office, summer will live on—in the form of a vibrant, sunny hue.